Saturday, October 22, 2005

Satellite Broadband Advancing

Satellite-based broadband connectivity may be a truly viable option for states such as West Virginia thanks to continued advancements in the technology.

Telecom giant Inmarsat is weeks away from launching the second in a series of two super-satellites -- designed to be among the most powerful commercial communications spacecraft in orbit -- that will beam broadband data and voice services to almost any location on the planet.
The I-4 satellites will serve as switchboards in the sky for Inmarsat's Broadband Global Area Network, or BGAN, service, scheduled for rollout in 2006.

BGAN subscribers will be able to use a portable terminal as small as their laptop computer to surf the web -- or connect with the office LAN -- at broadband speeds of up to 492 Kbps. Company officials say their network will cover 88 percent of the globe's landmass.
Source: Wired Magazine